The Different Types of Tile Flooring in Princeton, TX
McKinney Flooring And Remodeling can make your home look pleasant and wonderful with tile flooring in Princeton, TX. Tile flooring does not only make your house look great but it adds to the appeal of your house. Tile flooring in Princeton, TX can have a life-long service and will not require much more maintenance than other types of flooring material. What makes tile flooring more desirable is that they come in various designs that suit your need. Their distinctive appeal, texture, and feel create an ambiance that you can truly call home. Another thing about tile flooring in Princeton is that they do not contract allergens which make them safe for the whole family.
Tile flooring is fabricated with various materials like stone, clay, metal, quartz, and terrazzo. Their various components define tile flooring’s characteristics. Generally, the two most common types of tile flooring are ceramic and natural stone.
Ceramic Tile
Ceramic tiles are constructed from quarried clay materials, processed, and constructed into a mold. Standard construction methods for a ceramic tile may be by dry press, extruded, or slush mold. Dry pressing tiles involve a combination of dry materials pressed into a mold under intense pressure. Extruded ceramic tile is produced by combining slightly wet materials and is extruded or squeezed into a mold. Slush mold is a method of mixing extremely wet materials poured in a mold and then dried and hardened in a kiln with a very high temperature.
Natural Stone Tile
Natural stone tiles are constructed from naturally known materials. They are slabbed, quarried, finished, and cut to size. Known forms of stone that are used as flooring tile include marble, granite, slate, limestone, and travertine. Certain traits of the stone though depend on when and where the stone was quarried.
Marble is a porous metamorphic rock that is gilded with veins and comes in a wide variety of colors. Because of their porous density, they are not prescribed as kitchen flooring unless they are impenetrably sealed and honed on a regular basis.
Granite is an igneous rock that is both dense and hard. Its special characteristics are because of the speckled material formed in the rock. It has particular veining and comes in various different colors. Granite is virtually impenetrable once they are polished and is effective in resisting scratches. It is highly recommended in high-traffic areas and as kitchen flooring.
Slate is a dense and durable metamorphic rock that has a darkened earth tone. The exterior of slate is naturally textured unless a polished, honed finish is produced. They are highly recommended for high-traffic areas and as a kitchen floor.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock that either has a light or dark shade. It carries an earthly appearance that can be used as flooring in the kitchen or in high-traffic areas. Limestone is less compact than marble and granite but can have a refined and glossy smooth. Limestone is prone to scratching and can be easily smudged.
Travertine is a type of limestone that is soft and porous. It has a crystallized characteristic and an earthly appearance. Travertine is not suggested as a kitchen floor as it can easily be scratched and stained. Proper care and exterior sealing are needed to maintain travertine.